Special Request Service
How It Works
Submit Your Request
Fill out the request form below with the details of the Popflex items you'd like to purchase. Be sure to include item names, sizes, and any other specifics to help us process your request accurately. -
Deposit Payment
Once you've submitted your request, you'll need to place a 20% deposit on the total estimated cost of the items. This deposit helps us secure the item and cover initial costs. -
Item Availability
We will check with Popflex to see if the items are available. If the item is in stock and can be ordered, we will proceed with placing the order. We will place the order within 6-12 weeks of receiving the request.
Please note that it is not a guarantee that you will receive the item. We will try our best to fulfill your request but it is subject to other factors.
Your deposit will then be fully refunded back to you. -
Refund Policy
If the requested item is out of stock with Popflex for more than 2 months, we will fully refund your deposit.
If the item becomes available, we will bring it into our store, and will be delivered to you upon full payment. Free shipping applies for orders above $70. -
No Returns or Exchanges
Please note that special orders are final. We do not offer returns or exchanges on items ordered through this service.
Request Form
Please DM us @playfulmochi or email us at hello@playfulmochi.com with the following details below to submit your request:
- Full Name:
- Email Address:
- Phone Number:
Item(s) Requested:
- Item Name:
- Size/Color/Variant:
- Quantity:
- Additional Details:
- The cost of the item will be the same as the price on PopFlex official website in SGD.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Special Request Service or need assistance with your request, please feel free to DM us @playfulmochi or email us at hello@playfulmochi.com.